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Tuesday 8 June 2010


Heyya agan blogger.

Ane ada resep makanan nih. Nama makanannya tuh Samosas.
Ga usah banyak cet cot lagi ya gan, nih resepnya gan, tapi bukan ane yang ngetik. Tapi silahkan dilihat.




Kurang jelas ya? ane ketik sendiri aja deh.

Ingredients (Bahan-bahan)*translate sendiri yow gan* :
- 1 package spring roll wrappers
- 1 pound ground beef
- 2 potatoes
- 1/2 cups peas
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1 tablespoon ground coriander
- 1 teaspoon chili flakes
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon vegetable oil

How-To-Make (cara membuat) *translate sendiri yow gan yang ini juga* :
- Heat skillet over med-high and brown the beef.
- Boil a pot of water and cook potatoes until tender.
- Cube potatoes and place them in a bowl.
- Mix in 1/2 cup peas, cumin, coriander,chili flakes, lemon juice, and ground beef.
- Place a heaping teaspoon at one of the wrapper end and fold over diagonally.
- Fold into a triangle, so the filling is completely enclossed.
- Wet the edge of the wrapper and seal by pressing down lightly.

Jadinya kayak gini nih kurang lebih :

Um nyum nyum :3

Segini dulu ye postingan ane. Resep yang laen masih banyak sih, tapi males ngetik hohoho. See ya on the next post!

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